087 242 7399 | ramorlandscaping@hotmail.com | Cavan

Ramor Landscaping
Welcome to Ramor Landscaping's website, home of the happy gardeners. My Name is David Skelly and i have Owned and operated Ramor Landscaping for the past 18 years. We are a local landscaping company that specialises in all aspects of soft landscaping together with supplying and planting a range of trees and hedging. We specialise in supply of small native trees also called whips in the bareroot season. (between November and March). We can supply nationwide. Please visit our SHOP for prices and details. Locally we offer a supply and plant service for a wide range of trees and hedging or if you wish we can provide the plants directly to your chosen location and you can plant yourself, with our advice and support. The background to why I have chosen this industry to work in is that I have a passion for the environment. Because of this we have set up our Help us plant a tree programme. This allows anybody anywhere in the world to plant a native tree here in rural Ireland See Link (PLANT A TREE IN IRELAND)
At Ramor landscaping we are dedicated to increasing the planting if native trees throughout Ireland. In our online shop we have a range of native trees varieties available to order. These trees are available bareroot between the months of November and march. For anybody who wishes to support us in our mission we also provide a plant a tree service where you can buy a tree and we will plant it for you in one of our native woodlands we have established in the rural Cavan/Meath area. Here on our small holding we have established a mixed woodland and together with a number of local farmers/landowners we plan a patchwork of small mixed woodlands. This work has already started, and we have planted hundreds of trees however with your help we can plant many more. These will be planted with the objective of increasing biodiversity and creating a habitat for native flora and fauna. Please select the Number of trees you would like to sponsor and we will take care of the rest.
1 Native Tree €3
5 Native trees €15
20 Native Trees €50
50 Native trees €100
100 Native trees €200
For larger quantities or corporate enquiries please contact us at ramorlandscaping@hotmail.com
Please note that as the trees are planted in random fashion in a mixed native woodland we cannot identify individual trees,
If you contact the above email, we can send pics of the woodland the trees are planted in.
Of you sponsor a tree outside of the correct planting season between November and March we will ensure your trees are planted at the correct time.
Visitors are also welcome to visit our woodland (by appointment)
Ramor Landscaping FAQ
Where can I find a landscaper near me?
Ramor Landscaping offers its services to customers in County Cavan and surrounding areas.
What does Ramor Landscaping specialise in?
Ramor Landscaping specialises in hedge cutting, hedge planting, garden maintenance and soft landscaping services.